Zinter wins 3yr in a row contract renewal for Crane Services at Irish Semiconductor Plant
Zinter continues a strong push for maintaining equipment across the sea with an Irish Semiconductor customer renewing EUV crane services for the third year in a row. The team here in the USA continues to be responsive to preventative maintenance, emergency repairs, and maintains a strong relationship with local partners for thorough and regular ins...
Zinter provides multiple semiconductor and pharmaceutical companies with cleanroom equipment
Zinter has taken large strides in becoming a common name in supplying manufacturers requiring cleanroom-rated equipment. From a host of garment dispensers to stainless steel tables, gowning benches, and chairs, all products meet cleanroom specifications for manufacturers needing to meet various cleanliness standards. These specialized products...
Two Specialized 1000kg CRH-1000 Cleanroom Hoists were supplied to an ASML subsidiary
Semiconductor companies continue to order cleanroom ready hoisting solutions from Zinter Cleanroom Cranes. Our most recent order was from an ASML owned company specializing in ground breaking laser technology in San Diego CA, CYMER. Zinter’s products continue to meet the demanding requirements of cleanroom production facilities in all parts o...
NYCREATES Semiconductor program launches into the future with equipment purchased from Zinter
After being named the nation’s first National Semiconductor Technology Center on October 31st, 2024, the Suny Polytechnic Institute in Albany, NY is gearing up to live up to that title. NYCREATES has purchased world class leading automated cleanroom handling solutions from Zinter Cleanroom Cranes, due to be delivered in Q2 of 2025. This equip...
Zinter completes the first year of High NA Crane support with Exceptional Equipment Readiness
Customers using the most advanced lithography processes are faced with the challenge of maintaining equipment uptime at a maximum. Zinter has just completed the first year of service with outstanding reaction time for a West Coast semiconductor customer. 4-Hour response time 24/7/365!...
Zinter completes the first ever Annual Recertification for a customer EXE Crane
Zinter Cleanroom Cranes has completed the first customer Annual Recertification of the support crane for the lithography tool responsible for bringing 5 nanometer and below microchips in a single exposure. This marks the first such inspection in the USA ever performed. Zinter looks forward to continuing to maintain these cranes as was successfully ...
Zinter awarded order of 2 NXE Cleanroom Crane Sets for Semiconductor Customer in Japan
Zinter has received an order for two EUV support cleanroom crane sets to be supplied in Japan for Q1 2025. Zinter’s continues managing construction projects worldwide....
Zinter completes delivery and installation for a 2nd High-NA Crane System
Moore’s Law continues to drive the semiconductor industry. A major semiconductor company is making new strides to further the application of this cutting-edge technology. Zinter completed delivery and installation of a second intelligent EXE Crane system in Q3 of 2024 for a West Coast semiconductor customer.
Zinter looks forward to co...
NXE Crane Set Delivery and Services Completed for Semiconductor Customer In Taiwan
Zinter completed an NXE EUV Crane project in the country of Taiwan. Installation was completed in this country for a major semiconductor supplier. One full year of services including safety inspections, crane maintenance services, and government mandated crane testing was completed. It is through Zinter’s extensive experience with this equipm...
First Ever “Korea Certified” Metrology Internal Maintenance Crane Completed
Many hurdles await global distribution of lifting equipment as semiconductor sectors expand throughout the world. Zinter, with the assistance of partners in Korea and the Netherlands, has just completed the redesign of an internal maintenance cleanroom crane which meets the requirements of hoists to be operated in Korea. Zinter’s relationship...
Zinter Wins Supplier for Critical Cleanroom Equipment on the West Coast
As USA based semiconductor suppliers ramp up production to meet ever increasing global demand, they are also expanding facilities and require state-of-the-art cleanroom handling solutions. One such customer just purchased a fully motorized 250-kilogram capacity remote control cleanroom crane system. This system is vital in expanding their productio...
East Coast Semiconductor Support Equipment - Specialty Load Testing Services
Zinter has successfully completed multiple specially designed load tests and operational tests for newly designed equipment to aid in expansion of the EUV tool production, testing, and use. As technology advances, so do the tools and equipment to service them. Zinter handling is well positioned to provide the engineering and technical services to m...
Bid Won to Supply Internal Maintenance Cranes Through 2024
Zinter is pleased to announce an order was received to provide multiple custom engineered internal maintenance cranes for the next two years. Zinter’s on-going partnership has provided this semiconductor company a handling solution tailored to both their product and the semiconductor environment in which they operate. Without these state-of-t...
Uniquely Positioned to Supply Spare Parts & Repair Assistance
Finding critical spare parts and knowledgeable technicians for repairs to maintain semiconductor handling service equipment is a challenge given the current global climate of post-COVID material shortages, reduced or limited labor forces, and increased transportation and energy costs. Zinter is positioned as a supplier for individual parts, whole a...
Zinter wins contract to supply the world’s first customer High-NA crane system
The world’s first semiconductor system capable of production output of 5 nanometer chips and below will be supported by purchased indoor cranes from Zinter Cleanroom Cranes. In a groundbreaking contract, a USA based semiconductor company has purchased the world’s most advanced lithography tools (ASML’s High-NA EUV system) and the ...
Zinter fights global chip shortage with multiple EUV Crane installations in Ireland
The world continues to face industry crippling chip shortages delaying major supplies for every major sector. Zinter provides strong support to the global chip recovery by supplying EUV cranes around the world. Today, a multiple set installation was completed in Ireland, marking a strong turn towards moving past chip shortages. Zinter looks forward...
World’s most advanced AI at IBM, supported by Zinter Cleanroom Cranes
Developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to increase in complexity and capability. At SUNY Poly Institute, IBM has recently installed EUV technology to push the bounds of what is possible with AI. Zinter Cleanroom Cranes is there, every month, year, and during emergencies to provide world class support for this critical equipment.
Zinter on the ground level in assisting the world’s first 2 nanometer chip
Moore’s Law continues drive the semiconductor industry to lower semiconductor chip dimensions. In a world’s first, IBM company at Albany’s New York SUNY POLY research campus succeeded in developing the world’s first semiconductor chip with 2 nanometer features. The previous chip was more than double that feature size, at 5 n...
Zinter awarded service contract to cleanroom customer in Boise, Idaho
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide recertification and inspection services for an ISO 5, 10-tonne cleanroom crane for a customer in Boise, Idaho. Zinter’s world class inspection program meets and exceeds OSHA requirements while identifying and replacing component issues before down time occurs. Zinter’s commitment to a total ...
Zinter awarded service contract to Vermont pharmaceutical customer Mylan
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide inspection and repair services for a pharmaceutical company Mylan Technologies, Inc. located in St. Albans, Vermont. This marks the 16th continuous year of inspection services to date which continues a strong relationship of safety due to the thorough inspections of the Zinter team and timely equipment ...
Global Inspection Software – Live!
Zinter, in collaboration with cleanroom crane partner Mennens, is now live with a global inspection portal for both inspectors and customers. See real-time crane inspection status, track changes and receive automatic updates from this new service. Currently only available for cleanroom crane semiconductor customers. An expansion of this database is...
Zinter awarded new international installation contract for 10-tonne crane systems
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (3) sets10-tonne crane systems for a customer in Ireland. The system is to be rated for ISO 5 Environment. Delivery of the system including SAT to be completed Q3 2020....
Zinter provides cleanroom crane and hoist to semiconductor metrology customer in San Jose, CA
Zinter has won the contract to provide a semiconductor metrology customer (1) 500-kg belt style hoist system operating on a customized monorail as an integral internal piece of maintenance equipment. This unit is the first prototype and is planned on future deliveries with each tool. Delivery of the first unit has been completed and installation sc...
Service contract awarded to Zinter for cleanroom customer in Malta, NY
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide 1 full year of recertification and inspection services for multiple ISO 5 environment, 10-tonne cleanroom cranes for a customer in upstate New York. Zinter’s world class inspection program meets and exceeds OSHA requirements while identifying and replacing component issues before down time occurs....
Zinter awarded equipment supplier to aerospace company MTorres, located in Everette, WA.
Zinter has won the contract to provide an aerospace customer (4) tandem operating BH2 model 1-Ton capacity cleanroom “belt” style hoists. Delivery has been completed and installation is scheduled to be completed Q1 2020. Specifics include:
2 falls of belt, true vertical lift, upper and lower geared limits, lug mounted, ISO 7 env...
Service contract renewed with Zinter for semiconductor customer in Albany, New York
Zinter was been awarded a contract to provide 1 full year of recertification and inspection services for an ISO 5 environment, 10-tonne cleanroom crane for a customer in Albany, New York. Zinter’s world class inspection program meets and exceeds OSHA requirements while identifying and replacing component issues before down time occurs. Zinter...
Installation and runway construction contract awarded to Zinter from customer in Wilton, CT.
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide a set of 20-tonne capacity ISO 5 cleanroom cranes with runways for a customer in Wilton, CT. Zinter will be fabricating the associated runway system to match the ISO 5 classification necessary for the project. This crane system is the most advance design for semiconductor manufacturing to-date and the f...
Service contract completed by Zinter for customer in Oregon
Zinter has completed a contract to provide 1 full year of recertification and inspection services for multiple ISO 5 environment, 10-tonne cleanroom cranes for a customer in Oregon. Zinter’s world class inspection program meets and exceeds OSHA requirements while identifying and replacing component issues before down time occurs. Zinter&rsquo...
New contract in Phoenix, Arizona
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (1) 250 LB. capacity - Crane and Runway System for a customer in Phoenix AZ, USA. The system is designed utilizing a Zinter E-Hoist (Belt Style) and includes automation to meet customers process recipes. Design is ISO 5 Environment. Delivery of the system including SAT to be completed in Q2 2018....
New hoist delivery in pharmacy segment
Zinter has been awarded an order for a Zinter E Hoist 250 LB. capacity for a pharmaceutical company project in Mexico. The system is rated for ISO 5 Environment. Delivery of the system is completed.
System delivery with Zinter-E-Hoist in Boise
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (1) 250 LB. capacity - Crane and Runway System for a customer in Boise ID, USA. The system is designed utilizing a Zinter E-Hoist (Belt Style) for ISO 5 Environments. Delivery of the systems including SAT to be completed in Q2 2018....
New contract 8-Tonne crane system
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (2) 8-Tonne crane systems for a customer in San Diego, CA, USA. The system and support runways are to be rated for ISO 7 Environment. Delivery of the system including SAT was successfully completed in Q2 2018....
New Crane and Runway system in Colorado Springs
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (1) 1250 LB. capacity ceiling mounted (Low-Headroom) crane system. Crane and Runway System is for a customer in Colorado Springs CO, USA. Designed for ISO 7 Environment. Delivery of the system including SAT to be completed in Q2 2018....
Delivery of Crane and Runway System
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (1) 200 LB. capacity - Crane and Runway System for a customer in San Diego, CA, USA. The system is designed utilizing (2) Zinter E-Hoists (Belt Style), radio controlled at 100 LBS. each. Designed for ISO 7 Environment. Delivery of the system including SAT is completed in Q1 2018. ...
New crane system in San Diego
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (2) 2-tonne crane systems for a customer in San Diego, CA, USA. The system and support runways are to be rated for ISO 7 Environment. Specific design details and location will be disclosed in the near future by the owner’s representative. Delivery of the system including SAT is completed....
Service contract cleanroom cranes
Zinter has been awarded a maintenance contract to provide 24/7 service and parts to a semiconductor manufacturing company in Oregon. Delivery of services starts in Q4....
Zinter most valued member 2016
Danny van Deuzen hands over the certificate Most Valued Member 2016 to Scott Zinter of Zinter Handling. The valuable partner received the certificate for good collaboration, showing initiative and taking opportunities in the market. Zinter and Mennens work together since 2010. ...
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide two 10-Tonne crane systems for a customer in Idaho
Zinter has been awarded a contract to provide (2) 10-Tonne crane systems for a customer in Idaho, USA. The system and support runways are to be rated for ISO 5 Environment. Specific design details and location will be disclosed in the near future by the owner’s representative. Delivery of the system including SAT to be completed&n...
Zinter provides nine pharma hoists
Pharmaceutical company in State of Georgia USA purchases (9) 1-tonne (997kg) Pharma hoists.
Specifics include:
ATEX markings EX 2Gc Eex de IIB T for hazardous locations.
Special ultra-slow hoist and trolley speeds.
Stainless steel covers along with stainless hook and blocks to meet Bio-Gen requirements.
Zinter supplies equipment to Semiconductor Manufacturer in San Francisco Bay Area
Zinter supplies equipment to Semiconductor Manufacturer in San Francisco Bay Area, California USA. Scope of work includes: supply, installation and testing of a free standing 1100lb (499kg) cleanroom crane (ISO 5). Startup of crane equipment completed Q4 2015....
Zinter provides clean room crane 900b and technical support
Zinter provides clean room crane 900lb (408kg) to customer in the Pacific North West. The ISO 5 crane and hoist along with a stainless steel lifting device will be used for tool upgrades.
Zinter field technician gives customers personnel onsite support during the tool shut down period....
ISO 5 crane and runway system
Zinter provides ISO 5 crane and runway system, (2) at 8-Ton capacity each to Semiconductor Company; San Diego California USA....
Zinter delivers new clean room crane at dpiX, Colorado Springs CO.
Zinter has delivered a new ISO 7 clean room crane, to dipX, Colorado Springs CO. Included in the crane project, free-standing runway system. The maximum working load of the individual cranes is 3307 kg (3.645 short ton). The completion of the project took 20 weeks....
Zinter awarded prototype design build contract Dec, 2013, Albany NY
Zinter has been awarded a contract to develop, build and install an ISO 5 lift system for the G450C program. Specific design parameters, customers location and requirements are being compartmentalized within the Zinter organization. Delivery of the system and SAT to be completed in Q4 of 2014....
Zinter awarded crane contract in Southern California.
Zinter has been awarded a contract to supply two 7257.48 kg (8-Short Ton) clean room cranes ISO 7 for tool build purposes. Each crane system will be a standalone crane and will include special design runway systems to meet California seismic criteria. Delivery and SAT for the system to be completed in Q2 of 2014....
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Another beautiful morning at Zinter Cleanroom Cranes

Cleanroom Supplier Contract
Cleanroom Service Contract
International Partnership
Customer Supplier Contract
Cleanroom Supplier & Services Contract
Global Inspection Software